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Worship Ministry

Worship bandWorship in the broadest sense means to give honor or praise to someone greater than yourself. Many people at the Trinity Project feel that God has done some pretty fantastic things in their lives and they want to thank him for this. So they worship.

Worship can be in many forms, but at the Trinity Project it's mostly in the form of music or song. Our band usually includes drums, bass, guitar, keyboard and vocals. Sometimes we go "unplugged." We project the words on a screen so people aren't weighed down by hefty hymnals or distracted by rustling scraps of paper. When we sing and clap and play instruments, we don't want anything to come between us and God.

Style & Spirit

There are two major components to worship: style and the Spirit. Style is all about people; God cares nothing about style. At the Trinity Project we have chosen a contemporary, upbeat style because it's what we enjoy. But it doesn't matter to God.

The second part of worship is the Spirit. Without the Spirit it's just nice music. There's nothing wrong with nice music, but it does nothing for God. We ask the Spirit to "inhabit our praise." That's a strange phrase, but it's right out of the Scriptures. Somehow the Spirit enters the music and makes it worship. All that God really requires for worship is that people do their best and give of themselves wholeheartedly.